Inventia Sp. z o.o.
About us
Over 40 employees: engineers, IT specialists and experts supporting customer service. Common professional activity and constant development of the staff ensure the best effect.
Who we are?
Inventia Sp z o.o.
INVENTIA is a global vendor of telemetry and location tracking devices based on 2G/3G/LTE, LTE Cat. M1, NB-IoT, GPS/GNSS and LTE450 technologies. Founded in 2001 and located in Warszawa, Poland, INVENTIA has become one of the leaders in professional telemetry and control.

Monitoring and Analysis
Scope of the offer includes not only telemetry and localization modules but also open architecture solutions based on proven industrial standards.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)
INVENTIA delivers easy to use configuration and system integration tools providing open connectivity to customer SCADA systems, relational data bases and data management systems.

Industrial Automation
In cooperation with AB-MICRO company well known on the industrial automation market, we have sold over 130 000 modules to 65 countries of the world. The market success results not only from the high quality products and their innovative functionality, but also from the consequently implemented concept of solutions that are freely configurable by the user.

Specialists with experience
High quality of soutions
INVENTIA’s solutions are developed by specialists having many years of experience in automation, telecommunications and IT technology.
MT series telemetry modules have been awarded with prestigious prizes in Poland:
- The Forbes Diamonds 2017, 2023,
- Business Gazelle 2014, 2015, 2017,
- Gold Medal
of the AUTOMATICON Fair, - Grand Prix of the WOD-KAN Fair,
- PRODUCT OF THE YEAR 2012 of Control Engineering Poland
More info:
The company’s mission is to provide a wide range of recipients in the country and abroad, created and constantly improved, ahead of competitive development, technical solutions that form the basis of modern, wireless data transmission systems for telemetry of stationary and mobile objects. We implement the company’s mission by creating and supplying comprehensive hardware and software solutions that use the latest technological developments in the field of electronics and telecommunications.
Electronics, IT and telecommunications are the areas on which we build a competitive advantage and whose synergy brings us essential and real progress. That’s the way we are thinking about telemetry.
Wireless communication
We are constantly improving wireless data transfer solutions to enable the implementation of even the most advanced and demanding stationary and mobile systems.
comprehensive solutions
We provide comprehensive hardware and software solutions that distinguish efficiency and professionalism, while being easy to implement and use.

Company advantages
Poznaj nasz zespół
Rozwiązania Inventii tworzone są przez grupę specjalistów z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w dziedzinie automatyki, telekomunikacji i technologii IT.